Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Winning at Arguments

How to Win Arguments

Arguing is very hard work.  Scientists have proven that the parts of your brain that handle reasoning goes dormant during an argument.

So how do you actually win one?  Winning arguments can be approached in many ways but what you should be focusing on is influencing your opponent and not proving them wrong.  This is the only viable way to argue.

Before you put up your fists you'll want to make sure you're setting yourself up for success.  It is important to understand that an argument is two-sided and the way you compose yourself will contribute to your overall success.  Here are some tips.

Listen Intently

Reiterate a summary of their arguments from their point of view.  Keep it friendly and show empathy.  Smile and show your genuine concern for their side of the argument.

Give your Argument Validity

Explain the specific details that would be used to produce the outcome you want not just why your idea is better.  Most importantly stay calm.  And take strategic pauses.  This will prove to be more impactful than raising your voice.

Now it's time to come in for the attack.  Try some tactics from 18th century philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer's "38 Ways to Win an Argument."

Use the Extension Technique

Continue to exaggerate your opponent proposition making it sound more general and harder to defend while at the same time keeping your argument narrow and to the point.

Make the argument appear black and white giving your opponent proposition and a clearly negative counter proposition to choose from bringing them to the conclusion that you want.  For example, if you're trying to prove the impact of global warming, you may say something like, "is it not true that there are more cars on the road now than there were 50 years ago?"

Now go forth and argue with confidence.   When in doubt listen to Tim Cook: "I think two people with strong points of view can appreciate each other even more."

There's No Arguement Here

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